In general, a buyer and seller use a Sale of Goods Contract to document their agreement regarding the transfer of goods under the terms and conditions defined in the contract.
A typical Sale of Goods Contract covers:
The assumption of responsibility in the event of a loss of goods
The price of the goods
The delivery method
A Sale of Goods Contract is entered into by two parties and used to document the transfer of goods at a price as defined in the contract.
Depending on the context and your preferred terminology, a Sale of Goods Contract may also be known as:
Sales Agreement Form
Sales Contract
Contract for Sale
Contract of Sale
Sales Order
The two parties involved in buying and selling use a Sale of Goods Contract to define the terms of the transfer of goods, including the assumption of risk, unit prices, and shipment terms.
This is a flexible contract used for all types of sales to be detailed to both parties' satisfaction. The contract protects the rights of the buyer and the seller as pertaining to state laws.
Create your own documents by answering our easy-to-understand questionnaires to get exactly what you need out of your Sale of Goods Contract.
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When a buyer and seller agree to a transfer of goods and the conditions, they can make the deal official with a Sale of Goods Contract. This is a contractual document best created according to a tried and true template instead of starting from scratch.
Let 360 Legal Forms help with our extensive library of attorney-vetted legal forms. The process is fast and easy. All you have to do is fill out our easy-to-understand questionnaire. Once complete, simply download your form as a PDF or Word document from your secure online account.
To create your document, please provide:
The Type of Sale: Indicate whether it is for the transfer of goods or services.
Contract Creator: The party creating the contract, which can be the seller or the buyer.
Seller's Information: Full name and address.
Buyer's Information: Full name and address.
Effective Date: The date the contract goes into effect.
Order Number: The corresponding order number, if any.
The Goods: Listing of goods, including description, quantity, and unit price.
Quality of Goods (optional): Select one of the following: industry standards, attach specifications, use quoted seller's specs, or describe on your own.
Transfer of Sales Risk (optional): Define when the shipment risk is transferred to the buyer, usually either at the point of transfer of goods to the freight company or after delivery.
Terms of Payment: Self-explanatory, in full or installments.
Date of Payment: The date when the payment is due.
Discounts (Optional): Define the term for deals, if applicable.
Interests (Optional): Annualized interest rate applicable to any past due amount.
Terms of Delivery: Specify when the seller delivers the goods.
The Delivery Date: The date of the goods delivery.
Purchase Taxes (optional): Any applicable taxes, such as the state sales tax.
Warranty: Either sold with no guarantee, with a limited warranty or extended warranty.
The Cost or Returning Goods: The assumption of responsibility for the cost of return.
Violation of Contract Terms: How many days does the violating party have to correct a contract violation. Optionally, the parties can specify exemptions in the event of unforeseen circumstances.
Dispute Settlement: Select the preferred model of dispute resolution, such as arbitration or litigation.
Confidentiality (Optional): Privacy and non-disclosure, if applicable.
Contract Signing: Names of the persons who will sign the contract.
Deposit: In the context of a Sale of Goods Contract, this is the downpayment the buyer must pay before delivering goods. The deposit may be refundable if the Sale of Goods Contract is canceled.
Liability: The assumption of liability for loss or damage, either on the seller or buyer.
Warranty: The seller's guarantee on the condition of the goods may extend into the future.
Goods In Exchange: In the event of a barter contract rather than exchanging goods and money.
A Sale of Goods contract needs to be signed by an authorized representative of the seller and buyer companies. It is not legally required to involve witnesses or a notary public.
Sale of Goods Contracts do not have to be filed with the county recorder or any governmental bodies. Both the seller and the buyer should keep a copy of the contract for records and referrals.
As a seller, you can use either to protect your interests, though they are not the same. The primary difference is that the Sale of Goods Contract is typically more detailed. By virtue of its contractual nature, both parties get to define every term and description in detail, including the shipment of good and payment terms, the warranty. and more. In contrast, a bill of sale serves as evidence that the ownership of goods has transferred from the seller to the buyer. The two documents are not one or the other, as a bill of sale can be used together with a Sale of Goods Contract.
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